adding image on shirt

t-shirt effect
this cool photoshop tutorial try to show you how to add image on your shirt, if you understand how to make realistic flag before, i'm sure that you can do this effect...this tutorial simple and easy to do...let's try it...
1. first, open your shirt object
2. then add the image on your shirt like this
3. use brush tool to make shadow effect, and don't forget to change the color similar with shirt color
4. make your shadow like this
5. then add gaussian blur with this range
6. change the opacity to 60%
7. finish!!!simple, isn't it??

Kamehameha (dragon ball 2009) effect

Dragon Ball (2009), one of my favorite film that i'm waiting for....first time i see the trailer...hhmm... i like it, lot of special effect shows there...and the favorite effect is this photoshop tutorial, i try to make a kamehameha energy effect....this is very cool photo retouch tutorial guys...lets do it!
1. open your photo object
2. make new layer, and add brush like this
3. then add gaussian blur to your brush
4. for the kamehameha energy , add layer effect with outer glow with this color code

5. then duplicate the energy layer (Ctrl + J), and make it bigger than before

6. next, change the layer blend mode to overlay...
7. and now, you have a kamehameha picture...!!

beard effect (photo retouch)

hello me again on cool photoshop tutorial
this time, i will share to you one of amazing photo retouch tutorial, about how to add beard and mustache on your previous tutorial (beard effect (GIMP tutorial)), you have learn about how to make beard effect in GIMP, now, i will show that tutorial in photoshop ... let's start!! must have 2 picture, the first photo as the retouching object, and the second for beard that you need later, i have pictures like this
2. open the beardy man, and make a selection for the mustache like this, don't forget to change the feather for the smooth selection
3. copy and paste on your retouching object, and skew the mustache image for the best positionand your photo should be like this

4. now make selection again for the beard, and repeat step 3...
5. for the best quality, you can modify the level or brightness
beard effect photoshop
6. finish...hhmm very cool!!!

Glassy 3d Button (Circle)

3d glassy button
in the previous post (about The 3d mirror effect), we have learn about how to make a 3d mirror effect, now, this photoshop tutorial will share to you about how to make glassy 3d button (Circle) ...this cool tutorial is very important for you as web designer, because it will make your website more cool and fantastic, let's start guys...!

1. make new document with black color as the background
2. make new layer, then add the layer with new circle object (you can use elliptical marquee tool) then fill that selection with black too
3. then add layer effect with outer glow, choose white as the glow color
4. then make new circle selection, smaller than before, fill with gradient color (black-white)
5. delete half of that gradient image (feather 15px) to make glassy effect, if you want it bigger, you can skew that...
6. then make the new circle selection under the smaller glassy circle, fill with white brush...
7. you can make other color with colorize that button....and for the best result, you can add mirror effect too...(if you forget about mirror effect, you can go to :2d mirror effect)3d glassy button
8. finish...!!!

photoshop tutorial:3d Mirror effect

3d mirror effectthis is one of photoshop tutorial in cool effect that very interesting...make mirror on your object..sometimes we very confused to make 3D mirror effect (for 2d, you can go to 2d mirror effect here ) in this tutorial, we try to make nice mirror effect..with box as the object..let's start...

1. open your image

2. duplicate the image layer and flip vertically
3. put the image copy under the original have to put it exactly
4. with rectangle tool, make a selection like this..
5. then skew the object...

6. repeat step 4 and 5 to other selection..
7. now you delete half of the image with rectangle tool and don't forget to change the feather like this...
8. after that, change the blend layer mode down to 15%
9. finish!!!3d mirror effect

Photoshop tutorial: 2d Mirror effect

mirror effect

hi guys...happy new yeaarrrr 2009!!!!!hope in this new year we will better than before...this time, ngeditfoto (photoshop tutorial) will share to you about " how to make 2d mirror effect" in photoshop...hhmm....this is very useful in photo editing activity..i'm sure that this tutorial very easy, although for the beginner....let's do it guys!!

1. open your image, i use Nokia 5800 (Express music) as my object, because i like its!!
2. then duplicate the image layer
3. flip the Nokia 5800 (Express Music) image vertically
4. put the copy image under the original image...(you have to put under the image exactly)
5. then delete half of your copy image with rectangle tool..don't forget to change the feather like this..and your image should be like this...

6. then change the blend layer mode to 40%, save your image
7. done!simple, isn't it???mirrof effect