Coding "The Wilting Climate Change Debate"

I, along with several NewsTrust reviewers, find Bradford Plumer�s �The Wilting Climate Change� highly and overly opinionated. While the article is an editorial, I believe Plumer crossed a line as a journalist by representing his thoughts much too boldly. I therefore decided to code the story based on how many overly-bold and borderline condescending phases were used to get Plumer�s point across. While nine links were provided and 12 quotations were used throughout the 10 paragraphs of the story, Plumer used 25 either single words or phrases out of the total 1,050 words, which, in my opinion, hurt his credibility as a journalist because of how babyish and condescending they make him sound. These phases include �once upon a time,� �blindly accepted everything,� �made-up non-problem,� �simply content to quote� and �barely even feel the need to argue,� and were used in about 10 percent of the entire article. While Plumer was possibly trying to elucidate his opinion, instead he just destroyed his ability to be taken seriously. 

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