OLX Reloaded: The future of internet free classifieds

olx-bannerAdvertisements in the internet are the main way to sell/promote or buy your  products, properties or services. You could find number of online advertisement agencies that can help you according to your requirements, but all these facilities come with a price tag. And of course, there are few sites which allow you to publish your own free advertisements.

The first one that would come to your mind would be Craigslist.org, which was pioneering in the online classified programs. But, there is one more online free free classifieds portal, named OLX.  OLX is based in New York, they have made their presence felt by adapting the classified serving with Web 2.0, easy accessibility and simple procedure to publish ads. And, OLX is now present in 87 countries and 36 languages.

Get your classifieds floated and noticed on the internet using OLX.

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Susan Boyle: New sensation in Britains Got Talent 2009 auditions

britains_got_talent_logoIt was a great surprise for all the audience and the judges of Britains Got talent   2009, when the 47 year old Susan Boyle from a remote village delivered the song "Cry Me A River". Her voice was so sweet and well modulated, like a very well experienced professional singer.

And the song she delivered for Britains Got Talent 2009 auditions will change her life very much. I think she will be listed among the very few fortunate people who turned celebrities in few days. I strongly feel that, we were missing this sweet voice for many many years. Its certain that Susan Boyle, would become one of the top singers, not only in UK but in the whole world.


And here is big take for our YouTube owner Google. Within few days of Susan Boyle's audition song, the video of the event started getting popular in the internet. The views of Susan Boyle's video has increased like in a chain reaction. The views have grown even to make the Susan Boyle's video among the most viewed videos of all time (If we club the views to different videos uploaded on the same show).

Watch and enjoy Susan Boyles performance in Britains Got Talent 2009.

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Google Profiles: First step in easily searching people in this world

Google has recently added new profile section to the Google account. The Google profiles can be used to describe yourself, your personal details like contact email id, phone numbers, your address and  even the keywords that describe you or your profession, your area and your interest.


The Google profile will also show up your profile information in the Google search, if a relevant search has been made requesting the details matching your profile content. You can also configure whether your profile need to be listed in the search results.

One way this will ease the people searching paradigm, and other way it will keep the users privacy will be available to other users with few keyboard strokes.

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Most Viewed YouTube Video of All Time

youtube-iconYouTube has made a revolution in sharing  and viewing online video. After the  acquisition by Google, YouTube has added lot of new features to improve the user experience in Online Streaming Videos.

There are many types of videos being shared and viewed through YouTube. Because of my curiosity, I found out by searching, the most viewed, rated and commented video on YouTube, its about Evolution of Dance by Judson Laipply. It has 119,279,970 views (more than 100 million)  and 525258 ratings till today.

Watch, enjoy and share this video with your friends.

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Google pushes competitive bidding in its ads

Google advertisement placing strategy was more program driven, without any  google-adplannerbidding of advertisement values on particular website. This makes the Google ads pricing known only to the programs and ad managers, but not to the advertisers and publishers.

Google took a new step towards the advertisement strategy by adding Ad Planner for publishers, to define the available audiences of a particular site by its owner. The same Ad Planner is also available to the advertisers, to help them choose one or more websites to advertise in their expected niche of audiences.

Advertisers can gain following benefits out of Ad Planner

  • Define audiences by demographics and interests.
  • Search for websites relevant to your target audience.
  • Access unique users, page views, and other data for millions of websites from over 40 countries.
  • Create lists of websites where you'd like to advertise.
  • Generate aggregated website statistics for your media plan

Ad Planner can be used by publishers to;

  • Promote their own web site.
  • Specify the niche of the website content or activity.
  • Improve the data that advertisers see.
  • Increase the earning potential through Google ads

Register yourself for your Google Ad Planner account.

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MS Windows 7

MS Windows 7, the next major release of the world's most popular operating system, goes public in trial form in the next week. A test version of Windows 7 will be available to developers from Thursday, while the public can try it out from 5 May.
Microsoft is hoping it can avoid the negative press that surrounded the launch of Vista, the last major Windows release, almost three years ago.
Windows 7 has been designed to be compatible with Vista so users do not have to invest in new hardware.
A commercial release of Windows 7 is expected in the next nine months.
Microsoft is hoping it can avoid the negative press that surrounded the launch of Vista, the last major Windows release, almost three years ago.
Windows 7 has been designed to be compatible with Vista so users do not have to invest in new hardware.
A commercial release of Windows 7 is expected in the next nine months.
Windows 7 promises a major usability improvement on Vista, and a simplification of security measures which caused frustration for many users.
Windows 7 would build on the security improvements in Vista, which have seen a fall in the number of malware attacks and critical vulnerabilities identified.
Windows 7 would build on the security improvements in Vista, which have seen a fall in the number of malware attacks and critical vulnerabilities identified.

Photo editing: One click adjustment and enhancement with Windows Live Photo Gallery

vista-wow-windows-live-logo1Splendid and beautiful moments captured in photos are priceless. And for many  initial photographers, photos may not look as good as the real life quality pictures. In such a case its always better to rely on an easy photo adjustment and enhancement software.


Windows Live Photo Gallery is a very simple and user friendly image adjustment and fixing software from Microsoft Corporation.

To enhance and adjust an existing photo, you have to open the specific photo with Windows Live Photo Gallery and click the "Fix" button on the top tool bar.

Now you can see the adjustment and enhancement options on right side. Click "Auto adjust" from the right panel. Done.


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