'Avatar' is out

Download Avatar 2009 Movie Wallpapers for your PC and Netbook

Avatar_Wallpaper_1Avatar is the latest movie from the Titanic director James Cameron. Avatar has  been released worldwide on December 18th by 20th Century FOX. Its a very good movie, worth watching. Here are some wallpapers for avatar movie for your desktop and notebook.

You can follow the link ahead to download the Avatar Movie 2009 wallpapers.

To know more about Avatar movie visit the IMDb site. Image courtesy: Moviewallpaper.net

�Person of the Year� for 2009- Pranav Mistry

I don�t want to lag behind Time magazine in naming my �Person of the Year" for 2009 now that they have named Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for this honor. My person of the year is Pranav Mistry --this guy is a genius of our times.
 Pranav is redefining the meaning for the word �SixthSense'. His ground break research on, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand gestures is just amazing.
'SixthSense' devices are wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.

I would like you to watch his video and visit his website to get a clear idea about the extent and impact of this technology.


This guy is a true philanthropist �all his work is open source.

Prototype sixth sense gadgets cost as little as $350. I hope we don�t have to wait too long to wear such a device.

Nemo H2--First fuel cell boat

After  automobile it is the trun of boats to Go Green.Recently world's first  fuel cell boat -Nemo H2 was launched, emitting only water vapour and gliding silently through Amsterdam�s centuries-old canals, a canal boat�a popular tourist attraction�powered by fuel cells made its debut cruise on Wednesday. The �Nemo H2,� which can carry about 87 people, is the first of its kind designed specifically to run on a fuel cell engine, in which hydrogen and oxygen are mixed to create electricity and water, without producing air-polluting gases.

Networking sites boost privacy

Did you notice that resently Facebook took a step towards opening up parts of its site to outsiders by introducing more options for user�s privacy settings.
The changes will make it easier for Facebook�s more than 350 million users to limit who sees their musings, videos, photos and other personal information, but will also give them the opportunity to expose a wider swathe of their information to a broader internet audience.
The move comes as internet search engines like Google and Microsoft are showing interest in incorporating the growing trove of user-generated content from social media websites into their search results.
Schrage, Facebook Vice President of Global Communications and Public Policy said Facebook users will be greeted with a message on Wednesday presenting them with new options to customise privacy settings and directing them to a new, simplified overview page of all their personal privacy settings.
You will see that my blogs are short these days and We're quite happy to cut it into many small useful pieces.

benefits of joining web directories

Why you need to join your blogs with a business web directory

Remember the days when you looked in the yellow pages for companies or services you needed? To many these days are still there. Advertising your business in the yellow pages or other directories of local businesses is good for business. However, there was a change in recent years in business directories that are based online. If your company is not listed on one or more of these business directories, you could be losing valuable customers and your company dedicated to darkness.

Rank your company with a business directory is easy and convenient. (You can find web directory listing and possible places to begin the following section.) Simply select one or more SEO friendly web directory of companies and sign up to advertise with them. The site will direct you on the appropriate steps you should take, and in exchange you get a list that allows your company to get visibility. You can even customize and personalize your space with the graphics and added features. In programs to for business directory to be visible - which translates into more customers - he has to stand out. Trade directories online can help you do that.

Take a look at the benefits for your business:

* It provides exposure. That means more customers. People will not buy your products or use your services if they do not know who you are. It's that simple. Directory Listing Yourbusiness contain important business information that customers are interested in.

* There is intense competition for most goods and services, and making a profit can be difficult. Enrolled in a corporate directory is a good way to get your name out there. People use massive search engines and business directories to help select products. Copy must be certified so you have a chance of success.

* The cost of running a business is high, advertising costs are high. Put on sale with a business directory online is a good inexpensive way to promote your business. Often, the cost is less than advertising in the traditional paper yellow pages.

* With the traditional paper directories company, once they are printed, corrections, alterations and additions can be made until the new edition is published. Business directories online, you can make these major changes any time you need.

* You can register your company in the industry specific business directories. For example, if you run a financial consulting firm, you can list them in directories designed for financial companies. This allows customers to reduce their research further and allows your company to have placed higher.

There are also advantages to listing your business in a directory of companies that have to do with the medium itself, the Internet. These are advantages that no company directory paper, no matter how effective or used, can offer.

* First, more than seventy percent of Americans use the Internet to search for companies. The Yellow Pages.com network alone handles approximately 100 million business-related searches per month. The Internet is ubiquitous - it can be accessed at home, school, wireless, and on their phones. The chances of having access to the Internet when you need to view business listings are more important than having a directory around, so the Internet business directories can also be effective.

* People use the Internet for searches of premises in increasing numbers. More than 640 local searches are done on the Internet every second, making the directory of local businesses an ideal place to promote your business.

* According to the business directory or directories you subscribe, you may be able to obtain optimization services. This means that your ad will be strengthened to include specific keywords that are better search engines.

* Standings search better leverage more customers to your site. This also benefits your business by generating advertising revenue for you.

* Good rankings of search engines ensure your company will have increased visibility and traffic. The ranking is determined by the number of inbound links to a site. A directory onlinebusiness allows business owners to obtain these links. The directories business more your company is subject, the more incoming links it has. This increases the rankings page.

Paper and Cloth Batteries

If a team of researchers at Stanford University are to be believed, Batteries made from plain copier paper could make for future energy storage that is truly paper thin.
These guys started with off-the-shelf copier paper, painting it with an "ink" made of carbon nanotubes-tiny cylinders of carbon - to collect electric charge..
The coated paper is then dipped in lithium-containing solutions and an electrolyte to provide the chemical reaction that generates a battery's electric current.
The paper acts to collect the electric charge from the reaction. Using paper in this way could reduce the weight of batteries, typically made with metal current collectors, by 20%.
The team's batteries are also capable of releasing their stored energy quickly. That is a valuable characteristic for applications that need quick bursts of energy, such as electric vehicles - although the team has no immediate plans to develop vehicle batteries.
The team says that adaptations to the technique in the future could allow for simply painting the nanotube ink and active materials onto surfaces such as walls.
They have even experimented with a number of textiles, paving the way for batteries made largely of cloth.
Their work is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A seed ascends around the turntable.

A seed ascends around the turntable.

Broadcast live through you iPhone with Ustream

This summer has been crazy and I was forced to stay away from my blogging.
I will be active again on blogosphere�My new year resolution for 2010 and I am starting on it right away.
Just downloaded Ustream application on my iPhone and it turned my iphone live video broadcast equipment and it works like magic.
Today the Ustream Live Broadcaster for the iPhone, was made available from the official iTunes App Store. This is the first live broadcaster ever available in the App Store, bringing the ability to broadcast live to anyone.
The Ustream Live Broadcaster is a free app that enables live streaming on 3G or Wifi, and users can notify their Twitter communities when they start broadcasting, and interact with their viewers using chat or Twitter through Ustream�s Social Stream.
For more information, go to www.ustream.tv/mobile